The Truth About Finding Your “Purpose”
So often we spend life simply existing, but to live is the rarest thing in the world.
Do you ever wonder what your purpose is?
If you’re anything like me, and most other Millennials, I was told I could become whatever I wanted to be when I grew up. When I was a kid, to me, that meant being a gas station attendant. No joke, all I wanted was to serve people and talk to them all day long…this was my dream.
As you can imagine, this wasn’t exactly a “career path” my parents were too stoked to support and I was encouraged to find other passions, ones without the constant smell of toxic fuems. I dove into every sport imaginable, I learned multiple instruments, I was in plays, I studied…I did everything.
Finding my passion became this near-obsession that followed me into adulthood. This question of “what is your purpose” can pervade into every single thought and decision made throughout the day if you let it.
Somewhere along the way, I came to believe that one’s life purpose must be tied to their job title. That what you do for work is what your life is meant to for. And while we do spend the majority of our life working, roughly 90,000 waking hours, it isn’t’ the only place where purpose exists.